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Second-cycle programmes – for foreigners

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Public Policy and Management

Code public.poli.mana_n2s_C
Organizational unit Faculty of Management and Social Communication
Field of studies Public Policy and Management
Form of studies part-time
Level of education graduate (second-cycle)
Educational profile academic
Language(s) of instruction English
Minimum number of students 25
Number of places offered 60
Duration 2 years (4 semesters)
Required document
  • higher education diploma
Application round 1 (04.03.2025 12:00 – 18.03.2025 23:59)

Important information

programme description studia.uj.edu.pl
application fee 100 PLN
tuition fees

For the 1st year: 12 000 PLN

For the 2nd year: 12 000 PLN

In total: 24 000 PLN

More information: fees.

medical certificate issued by a Doctor of Occupational Medicine not required
regulations on the protection of minors Information will be provided later.
certificate confirming knowledge of the language of instruction

knowledge of English, at least at the B2 level, has to be confirmed with an accepted certificate (more information below, part “Additional formal requirement”)

admission statistics (previous years) statistics overview (in Polish)

Admission step-by-step

Before applying, read the information on the website carefully: application step–by–step.

Who can apply?

Studies can be undertaken by people who hold:

  • a diploma of higher education (at least Licencjat or equivalent, e.g. bachelor) awarded in any field.

A diploma obtained at a foreign university is equal to the documents issued in Poland as long as it confirms the candidate’s eligibility to undertake the second-cycle programmes of study.

Qualified candidates need to have graduated from the declared study programme by the time of enrollment and have at least a certificate of graduation.

Qualification criteria

Admission rules have been established in resolution no—58/V/2024 of the Senate of the Jagiellonian University on May 29 2024.

The final admission result is calculated based on the following elements:

element weight
interview 100%

Additional formal requirement

To undertake this programme, it is required to submit along with the application one of the following documents confirming the candidate’s competency in English at least at B2 level:

  • Cambridge B2 First (grade C or higher);
  • Cambridge C1 Advanced;
  • Cambridge C2 Proficiency;
  • IELTS Academic (at least 5.5 points);
  • TOEFL (at least: iBT: 72 points, ITP: 543 points, CBT: 180 points);
  • higher education diploma in the field of English Philology (English Studies);
  • higher education diploma if the language of instruction was English;
  • IB diploma;
  • EB certificate;
  • citizenship of a country in which English is the official language;
  • other documents (e.g. transcript marks confirming passing the university English language course at least at the B2 level).

The interview

The interview is conducted in English. It aims to assess candidates’ aptitude for the programme, including their English proficiency.

The interview takes place online on the day specified in the admission schedule.

Candidates are notified of the interview details individually through their IRK accounts in the tab “Messages” after the application round is closed and at least a day before the beginning of the exam session specified in the schedule.

The interviews will be conducted online (Microsoft Teams, Skype, etc.). To take part in the interview, please note that you will need a stable Internet connection, a working microphone and headphones or speakers, as well as a webcam (your identity will be verified with the identity document you will be asked to show to the camera, and you are expected to answer questions without any assistance).

Application form

When applying, candidates have to fill out a form regarding:

  • the course of study they have graduated from (upon enrolment);
  • declaration of the fulfilment of the formal criteria described in the section "Who can apply?";

When applying, candidates have to upload into the system:

  • a document confirming their knowledge of English at least at level B2 (only certificates listed in the section "Who can apply?" will be accepted).

Admission schedule

A detailed admission schedule is available on our website: admission schedule.

An additional application round is opened only for the programmes with free places. Rounds for different programmes can start several days following the announcement of the results. Stay up to date with the information published in the IRK system.

Enrollment for studies

The documents below need to be delivered to the secretary’s office during the enrollment dates after receiving the “qualified” status. Please familiarise yourself with the list of documents and prepare them in advance. It is necessary to present all the documents for the enrollment (except those that could be delivered by September 26, along with the list below).

Correspondence enrollment is possible online only within the dates specified in the admission schedule in the line “enrollment dates”.

After the results are announced in the link “Documents and further steps” in the “Applications” tab, you will find the email address to send scans of all the documents required for enrollment and the declaration for correspondence enrollment.

After correspondence enrollment, the candidate must present all the original documents for inspection in the secretary’s office by the deadline of September 26, 2025.

Please read the information about power of attorney: https://welcome.uj.edu.pl/en_GB/admission/power-of-attorney.

List of required documents

Some of the documents have to be downloaded from your IRK account:

  • personal questionnaire – Attention! You can only download the questionnaire if you are qualified and the administrator accepted your photo, so you should upload the photo into the system in advance;
  • declaration for correspondence enrollment;
  • power of attorney – if a candidate is enrolled by a representative (does not apply for correspondence enrollment).

It is also required to deliver:

  • valid passport or EU-citizen ID card (only for verification of the identity; no copies are made);
  • diploma confirming the candidate’s eligibility to undertake the second-cycle studies. If the candidate doesn’t have a diploma yet (but has already graduated), they may submit a certificate of graduation instead and sign the declaration of delivery of a diploma’s copy with the original for an inspection by September 26, 2025. The declaration is made during enrollment;
  • certified translation into Polish or English of documents issued in a language other than Polish or English (does not apply to IB diplomas);

Documents which can be delivered by September 26:

  • apostille or legalisation of a diploma obtained outside Poland – it is also obligatory for the documents issued in the European Union;
  • document confirming the medical insurance.

More information: required documents.

Tuition fee payment

Information about the tuition fees can be found at the top of the page, in the “Important information” table.

Candidates who hold NAWA’s decision entitling them to an exemption from the tuition fees before the enrolment can study without tuition fees. It is necessary to indicate the correct situation in the “Foreigner’s status in Poland” in the IRK system. If your situation changes, you can apply for a change in financing.

Other foreigners have to pay the tuition fees individually.

More information about the fees can be found on the website: fees.


  Faculty of Management and Social Communication Welcome Centre

questions related to the programme of studies: the programme, signing up for courses, student ID, tuition fees, USOSweb password reset, etc.

questions related to the admission process: the IRK, application fees, booking enrolment dates, required documents, etc.
office hours Monday—Thursday 9:30 am to 1:30 pm Monday—Friday 9 am to 3 pm

(+48) 12 664 58 30

(+48) 12 663 26 62
(+48) 12 663 26 63





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